The links below include resources from the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) and other state agencies that KCA members partner with. Contact the KCA office if we can help connect you with additional state or federal resources.
Kansas Department of Transportation
Audio Broadcast of Bid Lettings
Listen to the audio broadcast of the bid letting via conference call at 3 p.m. on Bid Letting Day.
Projects to Be Let
Projects KDOT anticipates letting over the next year. List is subject to change.
KDOT Resources for Contractors
Resources for highway contractors, including handbooks, specifications & flagger certification
IKE Transportation Program
Information about the Eisenhower Legacy Plan (IKE), the state’s current transportation plan.
Local Infrastructure Programs
Programs supporting local infrastructure projects for local governments, and others partnering with KDOT.
KCA-KDOT Partnering
Details partnering, including awards, conference and resources for contractors and KDOT staff.
Kansas Turnpike Authority
Bidding Opportunities
KTA construction projects open to bids as well as those that have already been awarded to contractors.
Long-Range Plan
KTA’s needs assessment and strategic plan for nationwide compatibility and partnerships with KDOT.
Bid Express System
Instructions for BidExpress, KTA’s electronic bidding system for contractors. All bids are required via BidExpress.