
Additional Resources

Addressing the mental health risk in our industry

Man Therapy
Online mental health resources for men

Prevent Construction Suicide
Resources and tools to create a zero suicide industry by uniting and supporting the construction community

AGC of America
Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Resources

Slides: Nurturing Mental Wellness in the Construction Industry
By Cal Beyer

Presentation: How to Build Wellness Programs with Impact
AGC of America

You Can’t Fix Everything with Duct Tape
By Cal Beyer and Nate Widman

Why the Opioid Epidemic Matters to Kansas Contractors (and Your Families)
By Cal Beyer and Molly Meek

Why Mental Health Matters Now for Construction Leaders
By Cal Beyer and Ben Williams

The Invisible Crisis in Construction: Shining the Light on Mental Health, Substance Misuse and Suicide Prevention
By Joe Tiernan and Cal Beyer

988 Resources

The construction industry has the second highest rate of suicide in the workforce. Mental health issues - like isolation, stress, anxiety and depression - often lead to workplace injuries, chronic pain, substance abuse and suicide risk. Talking about and training workers on how to identify the risks are an important part of fostering mental wellness in the construction industry.